Preparing for Change

Preparing for change

The last few years have been a little uncomfortable for the Scottish farming community as we watched our neighbours over the border start to navigate their way through opportunities and obstacles in relation to the future of farm support.  This discomfort was made more acute by constant exhortations to land owners and managers to ‘get… Read more »

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Grouse Shoot Licensing Scheme

Grouse Shoot Licensing Scheme

The Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Act 2024 paved the pathway for NatureScots recent announcement that the Grouse Shoot Licensing Scheme will launch on the 15th July 2024.  Back in March of this year, Scottish Land & Estates hailed this legislation as a ‘seismic change’ in how Grouse moor management would operate; but once the… Read more »

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James Barnett and Jamie Holden

Congratulations and Welcome

Well done to James Barnett in achieving his chartered surveying status. James has been with Stanley Wright since 2020 and undertakes all aspects of rural estate management. Jamie Holden joins us from Cirencester Agricultural College where he completed his degree in Rural Land Management. Jamie will be assisting with estate management and professional services as… Read more »

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Off road vehicle damage

Protected wildlife under threat from off road vehicles

The Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands Special Protection Area (SPA) covers around 26, 832 hectares of moorland north and south of Muirkirk. It is one of the largest special protection areas in Scotland and internationally important due to the vulnerable birds it supports. It is also designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).… Read more »

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Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act

The Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022 was introduced in response to the emergency situation caused by the impact of the costs crisis on those living in the rented sector. This brought a temporary rent freeze and a temporary moratorium on evictions, along with increased damages for unlawful evictions until at least 31 March… Read more »

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Sorn Drone Photo

Wading bird habitat improvement

The grants have enabled the landowners to form wader scrapes and undertake rush management across two sites in Ayrshire, improving habitats for wading birds.

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Estate Sale

Estate Sale

When a management client asked Stanley Wright to sell their Estate, our instructions were clear to consider the interests of tenants and neighbours, while ensuring all parts of the estate were sold in a specific time period.

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