Following applications to the Working for Waders Small Grants Fund On behalf of two clients, the submissions were two of the 13 successful applications. The grants have enabled the landowners to form wader scrapes and undertake rush management across two sites in Ayrshire, improving habitats for wading birds.
Wader numbers have been in decline over the last three decades, particularly curlew and lapwings and James Barnett of Stanley Wright commented
“This work, coupled with effective predator control, has already shown an increase in waders and red listed species which is really great to see and so early in the project.”
Scrapes (shallow depressions which seasonally hold water) create wet features in fields that are attractive to wildlife and support invertebrates that provide feeding areas of wading birds. James adds
“We expect to see other farmland birds using the scrapes, further enhancing the biodiversity across the sites.”
For more information on Working for Waders see their website
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